A Moment...

Wow, there's a lot going on this week.

So much to post about, including a really fun MIY post coming tonight (um, or tomorrow, depending on if I get it finished.) I'm so excited about it!!

There's a few milestones this week to post about too, including my first-born turning 4-years-old. Is that possible?

But first I wanted to take just a moment to ponder this with you. I found out, via mi madre this morning that my great-great-grandfather served in WWI. My great-grandfather served in WWII. My grandfather served during the Korean Crisis, and my father was in the service during the Vietnam War. Wow. That's humbling...

More to come.

Remembering those who served,


Jo said…
I just caught up on some of your posts. Loved the gardening one. We did that too. Umm, ours aren't doing as well as yours. LOL We transplanted them outside and I think they might have a chance.:) Anyway, have a great week and Happy Birthday to Maggie. I have some clothes to send your way.

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