My Mama-Heart
I just had to re-post this picture because he's so handsome!
There is so much emotion wrapped up in my heart and mind. It's been easy thus far to get lost and busy in the work of getting Kirk home. To be task-oriented and focused. To mark things off my list. Some days I would busily work towards our goal and barely give a glance to his little picture hanging on the fridge.
Yet, something has changed in the last few days... a switch went off. And he is no longer just a picture - one single little photo - cluttered in with the magnets on the fridge door. He is our son. No judge has appointed me as his mother yet, but he is our son. And I want so badly to make him smile and hold his hand and kiss his cheek and hug him close. Today I want nothing more than to have him here with us. I have mingled feelings of excitement that Jessica was able to see him and touch him and talk to him.... and also feeling sad because it's not me there with him.
I can see God slowly making a transition in our hearts as we are getting much closer to getting him home.
And my Mama-Heart can hardly wait.
When I saw Jessica's post with Kirk in the pic my eyes lite up... I KNEW I had seen him before. I went to RR to see if I could figure out how I remembered him. It wasn't until this morning when she linked your blog that I figured it out. YOU were the one doing the Doodle wrap giveaway!!!
God is SO cool. My heart just wants to beam right out of my chest for Alik and Kirk. How awesome is our God! I didn't realize when I came to the doodlewrap link that you live RIGHT HERE. I can just imagine when they are both home and meet HERE for the first time what they little minds are going to think... and then the LIGHT that will shine from them both.
Holy Holy Holy is our God Almighty!