Being Women of Excellence in Times of Uncertainty

 There's been something stirring in me recently.

Maybe I've taken a fresh notice of these young ladies sprouting up in my home.  They are such a delight and a blessing.  They are radiant, beautiful, feminine - and each one is unique.

Maybe it's been a work God has been doing in my own middle-aged heart...

But lately I have been inspired to nurture femininity and unique womanhood  - in myself... in my daughters... and I've been asking God how I can exhort and encourage my friends in their own unique personalities and giftings - and who God made them as women.

And then - I second-guessed myself... as usual.

Doubts crept in as I looked at the headlines and remembered the state that our world is in... There is so much uncertainty... things are getting more expensive... fear of food shortages and oppression... loss of freedoms... persecution...  To be honest- the world is burning.  And Scripture has told us all along that the end is... inevitable. 

So, when we should be focused on how we're going to feed our families... how we're going to survive - isn't the idea of nurturing Godly femininity.... absurd?  Inappropriate?  Vanity?

Then, this morning, I woke up encouraged - and so I want to encourage and exhort you as well.

From my journal this morning:

"I still think it's worthy - a worthy cause.  Pouring into women of all ages.  

Building relationships.  Connecting.  Praying for each other.  Encouraging feminine valor. Exhorting women to be who God made them to be, to be women of the Word, using their unique gifts and personality to live the life God wants them to live - to use their unique giftings as an expression of loving God and loving others.

Even if the world is burning.  Even if tribulation is coming. We can have shalom and joy.  We can be women of beauty & excellence.  Character & valor.

If Avigayil (Abigail) can be a woman of valor, beauty, hospitality, resource, & excellence - while living as a nomad with a foolish husband (before King David) - then we can all follow her example.

If Ruth can be a woman of faithfulness, courage, love, loyalty, resource, character, & strength - as a refugee, a widow, a foreigner... a poor woman of low status - then we can follow her example.

If Yoch'ved Moshe's mother can be a woman of courage, loyalty, love, obedience, resource, and fortitude - in the midst of slavery, fear, hardship, oppression, persecution, and tribulation... then we can follow her example.

If Rahav (Rahab) can be a woman of faith, hospitality, courage, compassion, obedience, & resourcefulness - in a time of fear, spiritual darkness, and impending doom... then we can follow her example.

If Myriam (Mary, the mother of Yeshua) can be a young woman of faith, faithfulness, obedience, shalom, and courage - in the face of oppression, fear, shame, uncertainty, danger, poverty - and some of it as a refugee in a foreign land - then we can follow her example.

If Hadassah (Esther) can be a woman of beauty, wisdom, discretion, prayer, faith, courage, loyalty, and fortitude - in the midst of darkness, slavery, loss, growing up as an orphan and a refugee, facing fear, danger, and pressure ... then we can follow her example.

If Sarah can be a woman of joy, shalom, wisdom, resourcefulness, hospitality, courage, beauty, and faith - in the midst of nomadic life, grief, fear, disappointment, shame, uncertainty, and danger - then we can follow her example.

The scriptures are full of examples of women of fortitude, beauty, character, faith, valor, & unique femininity.  Many - if not most - of these women experienced difficulty, danger, uncertainty, loss, grief, and oppression. 

Many of them lived nomadic lives... some lived in slavery or as refugees... many experienced hunger or lack. None of them had electricity, running water, or any modern conveniences.  Most of them would have had to make their own clothing, and that of their household.... cook over open flame... carry their water from outside their home...

Yet they were uniquely feminine women of character.  Women of beauty.  

Yahweh used their femininity and unique giftings and personalities to provide for the needs of others... nurture others... persuade or encourage others... and raise up the Messiah.

Nurturing our unique femininity matters.  And it doesn't become vain or wasteful in times of poverty... loss... rural living... hunger ... fear... nomadic living... oppression... hardship... uncertainty - or having to live in utter dependence on God.  In fact, it seems this was the norm for most women of God in scripture - at least the ones who are mentioned and remembered.  "

Be encouraged, sisters.


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