Play Day
It as been a busy, hectic few weeks. And yesterday, after Jeff's birthday dinner at Carraba's (his birthday is tomorrow), we tucked the kids into bed and collapsed.
Today, the house is really a mess, showing the wear of a simultaneous move-out and move-in. But the house gets ignored today. It's play day.
So we started off with re-heated 7-grain banana pancakes (thank you, Lindsey) for breakfast. Then, after getting dressed, we played in the backyard. First, I had to clean up several piles of house-warming gift left behind (thanks, Buddy! :) ) Then, we were free to frolic.
The girls picked flowers from the garden while I raked up leaves and debris. Then I abandoned that chore (it's play day afterall) to retrieve my camera and capture moments. Maggie, somewhere among the clutter in our house, found a small gift bag that she calls, "my new purse." So she began filling it with flowers. Lilly was interested mostly in trying to climb over the timber, and INTO the garden - maybe to get a closer look at the roly-polys that were creeping around in there.
After playing outside, we hopped into the car and went to Toys-R-Us with a $20 bill Jeff handed to me last night. He bought the girls a ball-pit tent at Academy, using the rest of his gift card from last year's birthday, and we decided this ball pit just didn't have enough balls in it. So off to the store we went to purchase 200 more balls!!! Maggie was thrilled about this. We also stopped and played at the Thomas the Train table, which she loves. Curious that she has no trains of her own yet.
We then had a fun and sticky lunch at Chic Fil-A, dipping our chicken pieces into honey, and enjoying a nice, refreshing fruit cup.
We're back home and the girls are napping. I'm enjoying a nice cup of tea, and about to read. Then once they're up we'll have a snack, fill up the ball-pit, play some more in the back yard, and cook dinner for Daddy, and color a Happy Birthday Sign for him.
Play Days are fun - you should have one too!
Thanks for stopping by!