My Brown-Eyed Boy

We have new pictures!

Check out that Grin!

My friend who is in Kirk's country, picking up her newly adopted little ones, saw Kirk today when she was on the orphanage playground with her son!! She was able to talk with him and show him our picture. She said he was precious, and shy, and all smiles. Apparently, Kirk and her son Parker are buds... Kirk was hugging him and kissed him on the cheek. It is likely the two of them have been together since they were babies - and though they don't even know it yet, they will get to live 5 minutes from each other. God is kind. I can't even express how excited I am to have new pictures, taken as recently as 12 hours ago! My Mama-heart is very happy!

Our only brown-eyed Child (so far)

Hangin' on the Playground

Hugging His Bud


Mandy said…
This is too sweet for words. I love that God cares enough not just to bring these boys home, but to continue their lifelong friendship. My heart is so blessed. What great pictures of you're handsome brown-eyed boy, too!
Katrina said…
What a huge blessing for him to be able to live so close to his dear friend. So glad you got new pictures to treasure until you can go get him.
Anonymous said…
That makes me cry! Tears of joy of course :)
Krista said…
Oh Shannon this is so incredible! I just love this unfolding story in your lives. How old is Kirk?
Heather said…
Awe...this made me cry! How incredible for them to come to the same town across the globe!!! Oh...the chill bumps! Our GOD is SO GOOD!!!
Krystal said…
Noey814 said…
I have been following this story as a friend of mine posted it on her fb page not so long ago. I love to God work.

We all find it so amazing your story with your new son. But now this new story is unfolding, the friendship forged in one country being carried on in a new one. It never fails to amaze me how God is in every detail.

I love reading how much you love him and adore him already. God bless you and your entire family.
Anonymous said…
I am soooo thankful for Kirk getting a family. My family began praying for both he and Parker months before they were committed to you and the Carlins. I have felt like weeping many times knowing they both would have a family. The thought of them being able to be so close together with such living families now brings me much joy. I can't wait to share the news with my family too. Both boys are HANDSOME!! I look forward to your blog and can't wait to see him home!! Praying for ALL of you.
Lindsey Royal said…
Wow, amazing!

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